Wow, I knew that my blogging had fallen by the wayside but I'm amazed my last posting was in August! I see then that my sales had stalled and I was on 899 sales. Well, I'm now on 951 so that goes some way to explain why my blogging has been few and far between. September has been my best month to date on Etsy and with Christmas just around the corner, I am hoping to reach the 1000 sales mark before the end of the year.
I have spent many, many hours trying to work out how to be found on Etsy with the relvancy changes and my upturn in sales suggests it's been time well spent.
Basically one day the penny dropped that titles are more important than anything else with relvancy. Tagging and descriptions are important but a very poor second and third.
And with titles, it's important to change what the first 3 words are in your listings. So eg with this
White Pearl Cluster Bracelet (one of my best sellers) -

my previous title was simply White Pearl Cluster Bracelet. Now it is the rather clunky 'Bridal Pearl Bracelet, White Pearl Cluster Bracelet, Bridal Bracelet,Chunky Pearl Bracelet, Wedding Jewelry, Winter Wedding' With Etsy allowing the pairing of appropriate words in tags I now use things like - pearl bracelet, wedding jewelry, chunky bracelet. And it is working!
Any other relavancy success out there?