1.What is your name/business name?
My name is Hannah Roberts and my label is More Cake... designs.

2.How long have you been crafting for?
I've been crafting since I was very young probably about 8 years old when I did a 'Thumper (from Bambi) Embroidery'! my mum still has it and it's actually quite good. lol! My mum sews and my grandma used to knit like a demon.
3.What do you enjoy most about your craft?
The best thing about crafting is the satisfaction of making something yourself from idea to finished item, I find the whole process incredibly cathartic. It's even better when someone else loves your work and is willing to pay for it. Seeing work bloom from a pile of fabric and trimmings is just magical.

4.What is your least favourite thing?
My least favourite thing about crafting (which I have only recently discovered online) is the business side, once you start selling and trying to make money from your craft you quickly realise that the making is probably only 20% and the rest is promoting, listing and generally getting your work seen and out there. For someone who isn't good at promoting themselves it can be a steep learning curve.
5.Where do you sell your work?
I sell my work on Folksy and Misi. I also sell in a fabulous interiors shop in York called Blossom & Walker and I also have items in Beningborough Hall's Farm shop near York.

6. Where do you get your inspiration?
My inspiration comes from all sorts of places, sometimes its a customer request, often it comes from a piece of vintage fabric and recently for my 'pocket full of wishes' it came from seeing a basic pack of origami star paper in Hawkins Bazaar and thought they were such a lovely idea I took the idea a little further. Websites and the internet are great too but often I look at other work and think 'that's so fabulous, my stuff isn't half as good as this' so it can be counter productive.
7. Anything else you'd like to tell us?
I've recently started a sewing club at my son's school (Cottons Club) and wish I'd done it sooner. The response has been overwhelming and I have had to rope a friend in to help and stagger classes to fit everyone in, I'm really excited about this. If all goes well I should be able to make a living out of my work, teaching and selling just like a 'real job'!

Thanks to Hannah for answering my questions and I hope you will check out her fabulous shop.
Just to say, I am off to Barcelona tomorrow for a long weekend so I won't be back until next Monday! Hopefully I'll remember to bring my camera and will have some pics to show off next week.