Apologies that this is a day late but I was at work all day yesterday so didn't get it done.
This weeks featured seller is Folksy seller Tracy from
What is your name/business name?
Hi, I’m Tracy Markey and my business is called fatcat felt.
What is your craft?
I make handmade felt which I then transform into many different items!

How long have you been crafting for?
Oh gosh, for as long as I can remember! I’ve had a go at lots of things through the years, from sewing and embroidery; ceramics; drawing; painting; paper-making; photography; mixed media collage; weaving …
What is your most favourite thing about your craft?
I love that wool is so tactile, both for me while I’m working with it and also for the person who buys the finished item; there is no end to the things you can make from felt – the only limit is your imagination! Also, it’s a pretty sustainable material, the sheep will always grow a new fleece :)

And the least favourite?
Nothing really, I’m so lucky to have found something I really enjoy doing. My only complaint would is that there are never enough hours in the day to do everything I would like to do.
Where do you sell your work?
On Folksy (www.folksy.com/shops/fatcatfelt) and at local craft fairs and markets. I’m also hoping to get a website up and running in the new year.

Anything else you'd like to tell us?
Selling your own work isn’t always easy but if you find something you love doing, then follow your heart because you never know where it can take you, and you meet so many great folk along the way. It’s really important to have confidence in yourself and trust your instinct and also, of course, the support from all the great Folksy folk on the forums really helps too.
Thanks Tracy for answering my questions and I hope you'll check our her shop.