Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Website Grader

I came across a link to this website - Website Grader on the Etsy forums the other day and thought it was worth checking out. You simply put in your shop (or blog) name eg http://www.etsy.com/shop/AMIDesigns and within a couple of minutes it will give you your website grade.

My Etsy shop has a grade of 85, which means (apparantly) - A website grade of 85/100 for www.etsy.com/shop/AMIdesigns means that of the millions of websites that have previously been evaluated, our algorithm has calculated that this site scores higher than 85% of them in terms of its marketing effectiveness.

It will give you lots of other information as well, such as when google last did a crawl of your website, your MOZrank and metadata. Not so sure what things like MOZrank are, so any info is appreciated!!


  1. Thanks for sharing! Both my blog and my shop are in the middle of the pack...50%, which I guess means that I'm just plain average!
