Monday 20 April 2009


I've been really busy over the past couple of days.

Yesterday my sister Lesley and family came for dinner and for the first time this year, we had a bar-b-que. How lovely to sit out in the sunshine, smelling the barbie and listen to the kids playing on the trampeline.

Today I was at work all day. This is a bit of a novelty for me, as I try and only work during the kids school day but occasionally I need to go to meetings etc. Got to say, I have a brilliant child minder Lynn, who feeds the kids and does their homework with them before I pick them up.

This has left me very little time to do any crafting but yesterday I made a couple of bracelets with beads I got at the beading fair on Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. ooo this is lovely, it reminds me of the solar system models, in a really really good way xx
